Riccardo Majellaro


I received my master’s degree (cum laude) in Computer Science, specialization in Artificial Intelligence, at Leiden University in 2023. Previously, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

My primary research interests are in machine learning and computer vision, with a focus on representation learning and self-supervised learning. I am also interested in vision-language models, (model-based) reinforcement learning, and external memories for artificial neural networks.

I am currently searching for a PhD position in one of the listed areas or a related one.


Jul 21, 2023 Graduated cum laude from the MSc in Computer Science at Leiden University. The paper extracted from my thesis has been submitted to a top ML conference.

Selected Publications

  1. Explicitly Disentangled Representations in Object-Centric Learning
    Riccardo Majellaro, Jonathan Collu, Aske Plaat, and Thomas M Moerland
    In Arxiv, 2024
  2. Slot Structured World Models
    Jonathan Collu, Riccardo MajellaroAske Plaat, and Thomas M Moerland
    In Arxiv, 2024